
My story


The Story so Far.

My senior year of college I started a company that helped other designers and computer science students gain access to gig work while in school. When this gained traction,  I spent the year following college at Notre Dame's IDEA Center attempting to fundraise and scale. This was ultimately a failure, but a catalyst to launching my career in venture.

My stint at the IDEA Center lead me to Platform Venture Studio, where I worked as  Development Lead as a part of Platform's design team for 2.5 years. As Development Lead, my primary responsibility was the design and build of the product as well as a successful implementation of the product development pipeline. Platform's structure and process allowed me to leverage my strengths as a designer and product leader to build amazing tools for their cohort of founders.

I served as the Product Development Lead at AlphaBrook, a government intelligence platform focused on sourcing unique opportunities for government buyers. While I worked to improve AlphaBrook's SaaS suite, VoicedIQ, I was simultaneously building a portfolio of independent clients through my personal agency to continuously broaden my skillsets.

I have officially begun to work for myself full time. With a full plate of exciting projects and unique cast of founders, this year is shaping up to be the most impactful yet. I plan on working on independent projects, growing my portfolio and honing my skills as both a UI/UX designer as well as a strategic product manager. And who knows, maybe I'll continue to build some of these products too.

How did we get here?

We got here through a lot of trial an error.

My career in design began with an original passion for game development and user experience design. As a game development minor, I began taking 3D animation and programming courses. I learned the basics of rigging, animating and building in a 3D space as well as the foundations for C# and logic-based actions in Unity. My passion for creating  evolved from studio art to simulated worlds and logic-based game systems.

With game development as a passion, I began improving my programming skills as well as earning my bachelors in Industrial design. My senior year I discovered Bubble.io, a tool that was able to combine my love of design and development to create beautiful and interactive web apps. A degree in design as well as a passion for early-stage development means many tools in your tool belt, and I use every one to challenge myself as both a designer and product leader.

Have a personal life? Who, me?

One of my main goals at any new job is to build strong relationships with my coworkers. As a social butterfly, I hope to cultivate a culture of support outside of the 9-5 work day.

It is so important for me to prioritize my interests, hobbies, and relationships outside of the office as well. I struggle to sit still, meaning that I will often act impulsively to satisfy an interest or new hobby.

These interests often include traveling, learning a new skill,  or spontaneously hopping on a plane to visit a friend, family member, or point of interest.

You know what they say - work hard, play hard.